What types of relationships are established between the populations of a biological community and the anthropic processes of the environment – Biología 11º

The teacher starts by mentioning the content of each activity, to offer a context and a framework to the student, regarding the development of the activities.

Juan is 14 years old and he lives in the municipality of Ubaté, in Cundinamarca. Even though his school is an hour away, he likes to walk there. One thing he does on his way to school is say hi to Torote and his friend Blanquito. Juan says that they are the two closest friends in the world.

Torote is a bull of one of the dairy farms that are on the way to Juan’s school. Blanquito is a white bird with a long neck and long legs that is usually on Torote’s back. Everywhere Torote goes, Blanquito follows. Like Juan says, they are close friends.

Through this learning object, you will discover why a bull and a bird appear to be friends, and identify the characteristics of the relationships that are established between the individuals living in a shared ecosystem.

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