The teacher shows an animation that presents one of the most common situations in which a linear function is involved. When we make a phone call from a phone booth...
The teacher uses the animation to discuss with students the importance of interpreting graphs in utility bills. Comprehension question: What are the benefits of understanding consumption graphs on the energy...
The teacher presents an animated resource about the use of the Pythagorean Theorem in a specific context. Students will be able to identify right triangles in a specific context and to...
Present an animation resource called “How do we read the information that is presented to us?” showing a series of graphs and information analysis. In the middle of the animation,...
Teacher: show an animation resource called “Exponential situations”, which is useful to contextualize students in diverse situations of the exponential function, and the functional models derived from ethnographic, bacteriological and...
The teacher may begin the class talking about John Napier’s life and discovery of logarithms. Comment how functions are applied to different fields of knowledge like astronomy, biology, social sciences...
The teacher introduces the importance of complex numbers and their use in engineering by using a practical example of electronics. Also presents a piece of history about complex numbers and...
Present an animated resource in which the uses of the numbers in different contexts are mentioned. The objective To use real numbers in their different representations and in different contexts. ...
The teacher presents an animation that shows the concepts that make part of the solution of probability situations, like: experiment, which refers to all action that is going to be...
The teacher can start by presenting several examples that include logarithms. The introduction includes two situations that are related to logarithmic functions: the brightness of stars and the intensity of...
At the introduction we describe four situations where exponential functions are used, those are: Population growth, increase of people who suffer from AIDS, floods in farming shops, atomic disintegration among...
n Based on the animation, the teacher will introduce a story of the origin of chess and will relate it to the use of exponents to explain and solve the...
The teacher introduces an example about an electrical circuit, and then explains the importance of complex numbers in the field of electronics. Give a first glance to the operations on...
To display an animation of some daily situations which can be analyzed, using statistical variables. Statistics, is it present in our life? Have you seen the results when there are...
The teacher will show a video of a Young boy having trouble communicating for spending too much time online. It is possible your parents and friends have told you in...