Introduce the topic from the following question: What is the origin of oils and essences of different smells that can be found in supermarkets? Plants are made up of a big...
Interpret some of the physical and chemical properties of aldehydes and ketones and their biological importance. Identify the carbohydrates present in different types of food. Explain some of the physical...
Establish relations between the number of carbon atoms and the number of double bonds with melting and boiling points in hydrocarbons. Classify hydrocarbon molecules as saturated and unsaturated. Identify hybrid...
Define genotype and phenotype characteristics. Explain the concept of allelic frequency. Use the Hardy-Weinberg equation to calculate the change of allelic frequencies in a population. Investigate the base of the...
Show the students the avatar with information. Then, briefly explain proteins and water as an introduction to the proposed topic. Generate questions about the subject in students. Have you ever...
To interpret some of the physical and chemical properties of amines and their derivatives. To explain the physical and chemical properties of amines. To identify the basicity of an amine...
Recognize the carboxyl functional group and the spatial dissociation of atoms. Investigate the acetic acid dimer and its relationship with intermolecular attractive forces. Identify the functional groups that present chemical...
To interpret some of the physical and chemical properties of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. To discover some chemical equations related to hydrocarbons. To value the importance of fossil fuels and their impact on the environment.
To analyze the ionic equilibrium of water and its relation with the pH of aqueous solutions. To argue the importance of pH in living systems. To calculate the pH value...