Where does the energy in ecosystems come from and where does it flow – Biología 11º
by Cátedra SAS
Have you ever imagined the amount of energy that comes from the sun?
Have you thought about how much of that energy is what drives the processes of all living beings on the planet?
Life on Earth depends on the flow of energy from the Sun. Imagining the amount is somewhat complicated, but to get an idea, the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth in one day is about 1,500 millions of times greater than all the electricity that is produced by the United States in a year.
Although the energy from the sun radiates the whole planet, the atmosphere allows only 50% of it to reach the surface. 8% reaches the plants and, of this amount, less than 1% is what drives the processes of all living beings on Earth (Ville, 1988, p.705)
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