How do cities adapt to climate change nowadays – Biología 9º

Present to the student a video developed by the IDB and the Ministry of Environment about the concept of climate change. Mpm–bRg

The Earth, our planet, is a constant changing system. With the help of water, life on the Earth becomes a journey in which we grow up, study and build families, society and civilization. However, during more than 50 years, we have accelerated the industrialization and rushed the volume of regular production of greenhouse gases on the planet. This has caused climate changes, which, in most cases, are irreversible.

Watch the online video: “¿Qué es el cambio climático?” Mpm–bRg (BID & Min Ambiente, 2014).

Check what the climate change is and how the climate variability phenomena in the country can be compared to the human activities.

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